Goswick’s new 8.5 X 11 spirally bound book containing 16 new, original, copyrighted versions of classic effects.
- 44 color photographs with diagrams and dimensions
- 61 pages in all
Effects included in this book:
- Haunted Truckers Toolbox Box©
- Goswicks ABC Block©
- Tubes of Stonehenge©
- ESP Cups and Balls©
- (Production) Dagger Livestock Vanish©
- No Touch Coin Pail©
- Billiard Ball Bucket©
- See Through Buddha Tubes©
- Rings of Saturn©
- Peaches and Cream©
- Puzzle of the Rabbit©
- Close Up Puzzle of Rabbit©
- Cups and Multiplying Balls©
- ESP Einstein©
- Houdini’s ESP©
- Backward Chair Suspension©